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Asian Movies Country China Page 2

Chinese Movies

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Subtitles en ru
Country: China Original Title: 夹边沟 Language: Mandarin Chinese Director: Wang Bing IMDB Rating: 7.0 Views: 506
The Ditch (夹边沟) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles ar zh en fr it fa pt ru tr
Country: China Original Title: 秋菊打官司 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 7.6 Views: 1124
The Story of Qiu Ju (秋菊打官司) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles nl en fr pt
Country: China Original Title: 红高粱 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 7.4 Views: 620
Red Sorghum (红高粱) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles zh en he it ko pt ru es
Country: ChinaHong Kong Original Title: 一代宗師 Language: Mandarin Cantonese Japanese Director: Wong Kar-wai IMDB Rating: 6.6 Views: 2741
The Grandmaster (一代宗師) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles ar zh en fr pt ro es tr
Country: ChinaJapan Original Title: 菊豆 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 7.6 Views: 1608
Ju Dou (菊豆) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles zh nl en ko pl es
Country: China Original Title: 英雄 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 7.9 Views: 9069
Hero (英雄) with Englsh Subtitles
Soviet Movies
with subtitles

Please note: Soviet & Russian Movies and Asian Movies are different streaming services.
Each of them has their own membership.

Subtitles en ru
Country: ChinaHong Kong Original Title: 十面埋伏 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 7.5 Views: 5403
House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles zh nl en de it ja ru es tr
Country: ChinaHong Kong Original Title: 大红灯笼高高挂 Language: Mandarin Director: Zhang Yimou IMDB Rating: 8.1 Views: 2180
Raise the Red Lantern (大红灯笼高高挂) with Englsh Subtitles
Subtitles ar en
Country: ChinaHong Kong Original Title: 霸王别姬 Language: Mandarin Director: Chen Kaige IMDB Rating: 8.1 Views: 8308
Farewell My Concubine (霸王别姬) with Englsh Subtitles

Chinese Movies with English Subtitles

The cinematic universe of classic Chinese films is a treasure trove of compelling stories that have shaped and been shaped by the intricate tapestry of Chinese history and culture. From sweeping historical dramas to poignant tales of love and loss, these films serve as a testament to China's storytelling prowess and the depth of its artistic vision. When accompanied by English subtitles, the intricate layers of these narratives come alive in full vibrancy, allowing audiences worldwide to resonate with the universality of human experiences, as portrayed through a distinctly Chinese lens.

Experiencing these movies with their original soundtracks offers an auditory feast, capturing the true essence of the characters emotions and the ambiance of the settings. The melodious cadence of the Chinese language, combined with its rich tonal variations, adds depth to the narrative. The addition of English subtitles bridges the language divide, ensuring that viewers can fully engage with the plot while also savoring the authenticity of the dialogue. This dual immersion into both sound and text provides film enthusiasts with a holistic appreciation of classic Chinese cinema, making each viewing a journey of cultural discovery and enrichment.